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đź’© blog post – what your poop is telling you

For most people this topic isn’t the most pleasant one to speak about. However, it is a conversation that comes up over and over again at BFS Health & Performance. Are you ready to talk some shit?

Poop, for the less vulgar, is a direct indicator of overall health. It is an important focus as we work to restore health and balance in the body.  I will often remind people that one of the best diagnostic tools that we can regularly perform without having to run to a lab is by taking a peek at what we leave behind in the toilet bowl.

Yes. Your poop has something to say to you.

Most children, some adults, will laugh when this topic comes up. Other adults either try to hide their discomfort or worry that this conversation falls under the “TMI” category. Let’s get covered in why this conversation is so important to have.

The function of our digestive system begins with the thought of food, even before we see it or try to put food into our mouths. And as we all know the digestive system ends as we eliminate waste. The waste, or fecal matter for the scientists in the group, is produced in the large intestine and if you’re not too afraid to take a peek, can show us clear signs as to our overall health. Maybe it’s time for a little biology lesson.

The large intestine, or colon, is one of the body’s main channels for removing waste and detoxifying the body. The colon actually plays a huge role in digestion and our ability to thrive as an individual. Your stool patterns can tell us a lot about where we need to pay attention regarding our overall health.

From a digestion perspective, the colon is the final place for our bodies to absorb water and essential vitamins and minerals. Large intestine health can be determined by how populated it is with commensal or “friendly” bacteria to aid in the absorption of those mentioned above. An unhealthy bacteria, with too little bacterial diversity or an unhealthy balance, can decrease our absorption of nutrients like vitamins B and K and escort toxins back into our bloodstream.

Most of us try to put a bigger focus on what goes into our bodies instead of what comes out of our bodies. These two processes are intimately related to one another. If you are regularly seeing undigested particles of food in your stool it could be a sign that your body is having difficulty digesting and failing to eliminate toxins from your body. Some obvious signs that your colon is in need of repair are: constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. Less obvious signs that your colon needs repair could be: eczema or skin issues, sinus headaches, kidney issues, brain fog, and fatigue.

So what does a healthy poop look like (no pictures, I promise)? Stool should be relatively soft and easy to pass. Bowel movements should occur between one and three times per day. Poop should be brown to golden brown (or green or red, depending on the foods you’ve recently eaten). Your turds should be sausage-shaped with a smooth nut butter-like consistency. There should be no visible food particles. And it shouldn’t take you an extra five minutes just to wipe.

Addressing dietary issues and other lifestyle factors should allow you to pretty quickly notice a change to your eliminations. But you won’t know unless you peek back at what’s inside the bowl.

If this poop-filled blog resonated with you or made you think that you might have some underlying issues that need to be addressed, send an email to and let’s talk about it more in-depth.

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