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Vegetarians, Vegans, and Vitamin D
Studies have shown that over a 5 year time period of strict vegetarianism and veganism that vitamin D levels are lower than their meat-eating friends. Why Do Vegetarians and Vegans Have Lower Vitamin
3 Tips to Stack Habits for Improved Health
Since we’re a month out from a lot of people attempting lifestyle changes with the new year rolling through, let’s discuss forming healthy habits that can transform your life. Whether you’re
Dysbiosis and the Herxheimer Reaction
A big part of our functional medicine practice at BFS deals with addressing dysbiosis. Dysbiosis refers to an imbalance in the microbial community that inhabits the body, particularly in the
Has anyone (it could even have been Dr. Vinny) ever told you that you might need to replenish your electrolytes? Any child of the 70-90’s is probably familiar with sports drinks and might know that
💩 blog post – what your poop is telling you
For most people this topic isn’t the most pleasant one to speak about. However, it is a conversation that comes up over and over again at BFS Health & Performance. Are you ready to talk some shi
Tips to Help Boost Your Immune System and Help Fight Off Sickness
Since the year 2020, our culture has had a heightened awareness around the impact of health on our communities. More and more people are now looking for natural ways to boost their immune system in or
12 Tips for Improving Sleep Health
With spooky season in full effect, the things that go bump in the night can keep some of us from catching the appropriate amount of ZZZ’s. If improving your sleep is something you’re jones
Should I go Gluten Free?
It’s become a buzzword nowadays, GLUTEN! But what exactly is it? And why are people up in arms about it? Some of us have heard of Celiac Disease and the harm that can be caused by gluten to those th