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Improve Sleep with Functional Medicine
In 2017 the National Sleep Foundation did a study that shows the vast majority of Americans don’t get enough sleep each night. The NSF recommends seven to nine hours of sleep per night for individua
The Effects of Stress on Your Digestive Health
One of our functional medicine patients, let’s call them Sam, asked a question this week that I thought might resonate with you. Sam asked, “I notice that when I have too much work or life shit pi
Mental Health Disorders and Functional Medicine
As a functional medicine doctor, I see patients with a multitude of different health issues. Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that is growing in popularity and is very near and dear to my he
What the hell is Cholesterol anyway?
A young gentleman recently asked me if I could help him out with his diet. I asked why he thought he needed help. He responded that he thought he had high cholesterol and he wanted to lower it. I was
Plantar Fasciitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that affects the foot. It is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the
What is a “pinched nerve” anyway?
“Pinched nerve” is such a common term, but does anyone actually know what it means? Interestingly enough, it’s not even an accurate term. In reality nerves aren’t ever actually pinched. There
Acupuncture for Better Sleep, Treating Insomnia, and Imbalanced Emotions
Becoming a Sleeping Beauty…or just sleeping at all. We’ve all had restless nights of sleeping, or a complete lack thereof, where our minds are racing, we toss and turn and can’t let go. The spor
Acupuncture for Elbow Pain
You play golf and your elbow acts up. You play tennis and your elbow acts up. You may even be doing push-ups and, oddly, your elbow acts up. Why? You may think to yourself, “What am I doing with
The Best Foods for Spleen Health and Function
What does the Spleen do? In Chinese medicine, there is a strong focus on Spleen health because the spleen is one of the most important organs for digestive function. The Spleen is also responsible for